The Europeean Materials & Modelling Ontology (EMMO)

The European Materials Modelling Ontology (EMMO) is the result of a multidisciplinary effort within the EMMC, aimed at the development of a standard representational ontology framework based on current materials modelling and characterization knowledge. Instead of starting from general upper level concepts, as done by other ontologies, the EMMO development started from the very bottom level, using the actual picture of the physical world coming from applied sciences, and in particular from physics and material sciences.

The EMMO has grown from the bottom (i.e. scientific application field) to the top (i.e. conceptualization), staying focused on the original scope while at the same time maintaining an approach as general as possible. The ontological framework has been built around concepts like elementary particles, wave-particle dualism, finiteness of space and time intervals coming from the perspective for experimental physics. The development of the mid and upper layers of the ontology has been functional to the respect of these low level concepts, to facilitate the understanding of the high level concepts to users with limited or no philosophical background.



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